Ian Ozsvald's Data Science jobs list

16th February 2018

From Ian Ozsvald (of PyData London fame):

"I run a jobs email list focused on Data Scientist and Data Engineer jobs for Pythonistas. A jobs email is sent every 2 weeks containing 7-10 jobs, there's a focus towards London and the jobs reach across the UK and into Western Europe. Currently there are over 900 people on the list and a set have found new roles via this list. Advertising companies range from start-ups to the BBC, Cambridge University and Last.fm. Your email is never shared with anyone else, the list is controlled by mailchimp so you can unsubscribe at any time.

Here's a quote from one of the list members (Frank is a co-founder of PyDataBristol).

I’m very grateful for Ian’s job list as it enabled me to find a Data Science job in an interesting and meaningful domain, and furthermore connected me with likeminded folk. Strongly recommend. – Frank Kelly, Senior Data Scientist @HAL24K

Click here for more details and a link to sign yourself up."